Our new evidence-based model guides the production of more engaging digital content.
A unique Smart Story Suite simultaneously supports
time-limited scanners and readers with the time
and interest to engage.
Research shows that "SPICES" content
can increase the attention to content a user would not typically seek or select.
"SPICES" content is:
The key is knowing how to strategically
structure SPICES content to generate what psychologists call "situational interest."
Organizations and newsrooms such as The Washington Post are seeking to reach users
"who feel traditional news is not for them" but still want compelling and accurate news when they want it.

A one "one size fits all" structure of clickbait, brevity in text, videos, or bullet points no longer addresses the complexities of how digital users seek, select, and share content in a mobile environment.
Our lab replaces the overwhelming photos, pages of text, and even videos with an innovative "Smart Story Suite" and "Smart Scrolling" of mobile video, which showsa statistically significant increase in engagement with - and recall of - content.
Content is not meant to be ignored or avoided.
Whether you’re a nonprofit or news organization, an undergraduate or graduate student looking to explore new frontiers, the Digital Engagement Lab welcomes you.
Our lab synthesizes research in journalism and communication with cognitive and educational psychology, neuroscience, and human-computer interaction.