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What does the future look like for a mobile audience 
that depends on social media for information?

How can I make MY content more engaging?

Hear what students said about 289i in fall 2023.


"I have really been enjoying the class! I like how the classes themselves are relatively short so I don’t feel overwhelmed with work and it gives me more time to spend on the assignments and ensure I’m doing a good job. The instructional team also gives great feedback on assignments so I understand why I got the grade that I did."


"The class has a very organized, reliable structure; it provides a sense of stability. There is also a fast turnaround time for grading which is extremely helpful so we can track our progress throughout the semester. The course content is also very interesting and informative."


"This class does a great job connecting with each student. I like how it’s organized as well. It’s a very engaging class, I’ve never had a class online like this, and I think it’s hard for people to stay connected with the professor and other students, and this class does a good job of making it feel more personal and engaging"


"Everything has been very well explained and it is easier to stay engaged with this online course than others I've taken in the past."



"I think the content in this course has been really informative. I’ve never really been critical about why I spend the amount of time I do on online content and the ways to capture an online audience. This class has been helpful in learning about those things and why they’re important"


"I think I’ve learned a lot about my digital habits as well as thought about everything that I do daily through the assignments within this online class."


"I like the way this class is structured. The online class follows a nice routine which is easy to follow along in and it makes sure that you do not fall behind in anything. I also like the topics that we cover in class because they are current and affects us directly most of the time."


"I enjoy this class as it is a good balance between learning and also activities. I really enjoy the project we are working on right now."



"I really love this class! It’s the best with balancing my commuter/work schedule so I appreciate how easy you make management!"


"I think that there is a good balance of synchronous and asynchronous work. The course does a good job of effectively teaching students, while also not adding unnecessary busy work."


"This course has prompted me to think more critically about the media I use as well as the amount of time I spend doing so. The format of the course is easy to balance and follow, which I appreciate greatly."


"I like how it is online and the class isn’t too long which I can actually pay attention to. The content we learn is interesting and applicable"


"The zooms and class recording are short and easy to follow, as well as the out of class work never takes longer than I feel around 15 minutes to complete (besides the project)"


"I give this online course an A, because grades and feedback are given in a timely manner. Time is spent wisely as well, and very informative during our Tuesday’s Zoom, as well as Thursdays recording."


"This course has been interesting! I really appreciate the shorter lectures and the quiz notes! This class has been hands-on and I have enjoyed getting to spend more time thinking about media use and engagement!"


"This class is very interesting and it exposes me to a variety of topics I didn’t really focus on previously."


"The course is well organized and there is no ambiguity regarding deadlines or expectations."


"I really enjoy the class and I like how we have the option for what our project is and how we present it"


"I would give it an A because it’s very interactive."


"I think the class has been pretty well organized and the load is reasonable. Understanding the content is not difficult but definitely a person does need to pay attention."


"The information we learn is very useful for the youth because it helps us be aware of our habits online and different ways social media can affect anyone."


"I think the course has made me more aware of the amount of social media I consume."


"I like the organization and feedback of the course and it provides good information through the zoom sessions"


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